The Power of Pressure and Change

The sounds of silence is a low vibrational hum.

Percussion, like that of a drum. The vibration of something under pressure is different than that which isn’t under pressure. Pressure isn’t always bad; in fact, it rarely is. Pressure is what causes and affects change. If there was no pressure to move, to continue on your hero’s journey, you would be static, and static is equivalent to what you consider death or non-existence.

There is always movement, and the movement is excitement that causes the split of the atoms or smaller particles to create more. Creativity is what causes expansion. The excitement of anything. And at times, it’s the tautness, the stretch like that of the skin on a drum, that causes the reverberation of change. The tighter the stretch, the faster the vibration and the quicker the change.

Imagination is an excitement tool. Use your imagination to cause the stretch, the vibrational activity of change. The beat of a drum on a less-stretched material is a slower vibration, a lower frequency, and the sound travels on a lower dimension. But stretch or put under pressure the skin on a drum, and it produces higher frequencies, more excitable movement, and higher, quicker sound frequency to travel, causing quicker, more effective change.

Both are good; one travels further, one causes quicker action. Change is always desired, even if it seems uncomfortable at first. Like the birth of a new idea, it may need to start under less pressure, but allow the tension and excitability to build until it comes to fruition. Allow your vibrations to reach more and further to affect optimum change.

All is needed.


Breaking the Seal - Allowing the Flow of Life


Awakening to the Flow of Life